There has been so much misinformation available on social media sites that’s shared and/or reposted without verifying its content for accuracy. With just the simple click of a mouse, many unknowingly become participants in spreading false information across the nation. The boomerang effect then sends the same misinformation back at you from many sources. Making it easy to believe it is factually accurate. Enabling opinions to be formed without an understanding the whole picture.
I developed Side Eye as a place to go in-depth on the issues. Casting a wider net to deliver more information for the viewer to empower them to make an informed decision. The issues we face today are intertwined in a complex web of facts and information that cannot be fairly portrayed in a sound bite. Our content will require more than a quick scan and a touch of a share button. If Side Eye is successful, our posts and viewer comments will encourage critical thinking before you click “share”.